Clustering algorithms are for partitioning objects into groups, such that similar objects get assigned to the same group.
In this post, I briefly explain the PAM Partitioning Around Medoids algorithm, implementing it from scratch in R on a simple 2-dimensional dataset. My result is identical to the result obtained by the R function pam() in the cluster package.
The PAM algorithm chooses \(k\) points/rows in the data to be medoids, or cluster centres. The value \(k\) is a parameter that must be chosen (this can be chosen using Silhouette values, which are discussed later on in this post). For each non-medoid point/row in the data, cluster membership is decided according to which medoid that point is closest to.
PAM consists of 2 phases: a BUILD phase and a SWAP phase.
In the BUILD phase, \(k\) initial medoid points are chosen.
In the SWAP phase, different medoid points are tried, until an optimal clustering is achieved.
I don’t describe or implement the BUILD phase (which is very simple) in this post, simply choosing random starting medoids. Further details can be found in the original paper:
\(\quad\) Clustering by Means of Medoids
\(\quad\) Leonard KAUFMAN & Peter J. Rousseeuw
\[\space \quad \space\]
Here is a simple 2-dimensional 100-observation dataset of random noise, for us to test out PAM clustering on:
The PAM algorithm is as follows:
Choose k data points to be the starting medoids (I have skipped this step and simply chosen random starting medoid points, but this would not be difficult to code).
Each medoid point represents, in a sense, the centre of a cluster.
For each point, assign that point to it’s closest medoid point. This is how clusters are decided. I measured distance using the ‘euclidean’ distance measure, although another distance measure could have been used.
The sum of the distances of each point to it’s assigned medoid (i.e. tightness of clusters) measures the quality of a given clustering.
For each medoid point, do the following:
Amongst all the swaps considered above, find the swap that resulted in the smallest sum of distances of each point to it’s closest medoid.
If the best swap gives a smaller sum of distances to closest medoid than we’ve seen before (i.e. the clustering improved), then do this swap.
Keep repeating this swap step until the clustering can not be improved (i.e. sum of distances of each point to it’s closest medoid can’t be reduced). This is the final clustering.
Here is how the PAM algorithm can be implemented automatically in R (still using the dataset created above):
k <- 5 # k is a number that we must choose
init_medoids <- sample( 1:nrow(thedata), size=k ) # give random starting medoids
run_pam <- cluster::pam( x = thedata,
k = k,
metric = "euclidean",
diss = FALSE,
medoids = init_medoids,
stand = FALSE,
pamonce = 0
ggplot( data = bind_cols( thedata, tibble( cluster = factor(run_pam$clustering) ) ) %>%
mutate( id = row_number() ) %>%
mutate( medoid = ifelse(id %in% run_pam$, 2, 1) )
aes( x=x, y=y, colour=cluster, size=medoid )
) +
geom_point() +
theme( legend.position = NULL )
Note that we have chosen \(k=5\) clusters. \(k\) is a hyperparameter that we ourselves must choose for this algorithm. Some methods for choosing \(k\) are discussed later.
Now, I implement the PAM algorithm (performed above automatically) from scratch:
specify \(k\) = number of clusters:
specify initial (random) medoids to the algorithm:
par( pty="s")
n <- nrow(thedata)
distmat <- dist(thedata, method="euclidean") %>% as.matrix()
cluster_vec <- rep(NA, nrow(distmat) )
dist_from_medoid_vec <- rep(NA, nrow(distmat) )
# create a function which returns sum of distances of
# all points to their nearest medoid:
calc_tot_within_dist <- function(medoid_indices){
for( p in 1:length(cluster_vec) ){
# assign each point to a cluster based on closest medoid:
# and store this information
cluster_vec[p] <- which.min( distmat[p,medoid_indices] )
# calculate the distance of each point from it's assigned medoid:
# and store this information
dist_from_medoid_vec[p] <- distmat[p, medoid_indices[cluster_vec[p]] ]
list( tot_dist = sum(dist_from_medoid_vec),
cluster_vec = cluster_vec,
dist_from_medoid_vec = dist_from_medoid_vec
# give my alg the same starting medoids as I gave to cluster::pam():
current_medoid_indices <- init_medoids
# define a plotting function:
draw_current_plot <- function(){
plot( x = thedata$x,
y = thedata$y,
col = run_dist_calc$cluster_vec,
pch = 16,
main = paste0( "sum distances: ", run_dist_calc$tot_dist )
points( x = thedata$x[current_medoid_indices],
y = thedata$y[current_medoid_indices],
col = run_dist_calc$cluster_vec[current_medoid_indices],
pch = "X",
cex = 2
# text( x = thedata$x,
# y = thedata$y,
# col = run_dist_calc$cluster_vec,
# labels = round(run_dist_calc$dist_from_medoid_vec, digits=2),
# pos = 2,
# cex = 0.8
# )
# plot the starting situation:
run_dist_calc <- calc_tot_within_dist( medoid_indices = current_medoid_indices )
prev_best_sumdist <- run_dist_calc$tot_dist
sumdist_still_improving_flag <- 1
while( sumdist_still_improving_flag == 1 ){
# generate list of swaps to try:
swaps_to_try_list <- list()
non_medoid_indices <- setdiff( 1:nrow(distmat), current_medoid_indices )
# populate the swaps_to_try_list:
for( clustr in 1:k ){
swaps_to_try_list[[clustr]] <-
cbind( non_medoid_indices,
sapply( current_medoid_indices[-clustr],
function(x){ rep(x, length(non_medoid_indices) ) }
# bind swaps table into a single table:
swaps_to_try <- rbind, swaps_to_try_list )
# create a vector to store the sum of distances for each possible swap:
swap_total_sumdist <- rep(NA, nrow(swaps_to_try) )
# calculate sum of distances under each possible swap:
# and store this information
for( swap_i in 1:length(swap_total_sumdist) ){
swap_total_sumdist[swap_i] <-
calc_tot_within_dist( medoid_indices = swaps_to_try[swap_i, ] )$tot_dist
# identify best swap (index):
swap_with_best_improvement <- which.min(swap_total_sumdist)
# is the best swap better than the current clustering?
total_dist_best_swap <-
calc_tot_within_dist( medoid_indices = swaps_to_try[swap_with_best_improvement,] )$tot_dist
if( prev_best_sumdist > total_dist_best_swap ){ # if the best swap improves the clustering
# update current medoids:
current_medoid_indices <- sort( swaps_to_try[swap_with_best_improvement,] )
# assign each point to closest medoid:
run_dist_calc <- calc_tot_within_dist( medoid_indices = current_medoid_indices )
# update the sum of distances of best clustering found so far:
prev_best_sumdist <- run_dist_calc$tot_dist
# draw plot of current clustering:
# print( current_medoid_indices )
} else{ # if we can't improve our clustering with a swap
# stop the algorithm
sumdist_still_improving_flag <- 0
Compare my final clustering result to the final result of the function cluster::pam() in R:
results <- rbind( joes_calc = sort(current_medoid_indices),
pam_function_in_r = sort(run_pam$
colnames(results) <- paste("medoid",1:ncol(results) )
## medoid 1 medoid 2 medoid 3 medoid 4 medoid 5
## joes_calc 6 16 28 50 64
## pam_function_in_r 6 16 28 50 64
ggplot( data = bind_cols( thedata, tibble( cluster = factor(run_pam$clustering) ) ) %>%
mutate( id = row_number() ) %>%
mutate( medoid = ifelse(id %in% run_pam$, 2, 1) )
aes( x=x, y=y, colour=cluster, size=medoid )
) +
geom_point() +
labs( title="final output of cluster::pam() function")
The silhouette value/metric is a measurement of the quality of a clustering.
Every point (row) in the dataset receives a silhouette value.
The Silhouette value is not specific to PAM, but can be applied to a clustering from any algorithm.
Silhouette takes into account both cohesion/tightness (average distance of a point to every other point in it’s cluster) and separation (average distance of a point to all points in the next nearest different cluster). Both cohesion and separation are important for a good clustering.
The silhouette value always falls in the range \([-1,1]\), where \(-1\) is the least desirable value and \(1\) the most desirable.
The silhouette value can be used to identify well-performing clusters within a particular clustering, measure the overall quality of a particular clustering, and assist in choosing an optimal number of clusters to use (e.g. choice of \(k\) in k-means or PAM clustering). A large number of low or negative silhouette values is a sign of a bad clustering.
The silhouette value can also be used to identify points/observations which do not fit well into the cluster to which they have been assigned.
The Silhouette calculation depends on the measure of distance of points from one another. Hence, it requires the choice of a distance metric (I’ve again used euclidean distance).
Inferences on the quality of a particular clustering can be inferred from the distribution of Silhouette values within each cluster.
The Silhouette value can be used to compare different clustering algorithms fit to the same data.
The steps for calculating the silhouette value for a given point \(p\) are as follows:
\[a\Big(p\Big) \quad=\quad \displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{\displaystyle j\in C_p}d\big(p,j\big)}{|C_p|-1}\]
\(a\Big(p\Big)\) is the average distance of point \(p\) from every other point in it’s cluster \(C_p\)
\[b\Big(p\Big) \quad=\quad \underset{\displaystyle k \neq p}{\text{min}} \quad \displaystyle\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{\displaystyle j \in C_k} d\big(p,j\big)}{|C_k|}\]
For every cluster \(C_k\) that point \(p\) is not in: the average distance between point \(p\) and every point in cluster \(C_k\) is calculated. \(b\Big(p\Big)\) is then the smallest of these \(k-1\) values calculated (i.e. it is the average distance of point \(p\) to every point in the closest cluster).
The silhouette value of point \(p\) is then:
\[\begin{array}{lcl} \text{silhouette}\Big(p\Big) &=& \begin{cases} \displaystyle\frac{b(p)-a(p)}{\text{max}\Big\{a(p),b(p)\Big\}} & \text{if } \quad |C_p|>1 \\ 0 & \text{if } \quad |C_p| = 1 \quad\quad (\text{i.e. if cluster contains only point } p ) \end{cases} \end{array}\]
The denominator term enforces that the value lies within the range [-1,1]. Intuitively, the silhouette is a measure of the average within-cluster distance relative to the distance to the nearest cluster.
Consider the following clustered data:
We are going to calculate the silhouette value for this point ‘\(p\)’ :
The euclidean distances between this point and the other points in its own cluster are:
SO, the average distance \(a(p)\) of \(p\) from the other points in it’s cluster is
\[a(p) \quad=\quad\displaystyle\frac{3+1.414214}{2} \quad=\quad 2.207107\]
The distances from \(p\) to the points in the next nearest cluster are:
So, the average distance \(b(p)\) between point \(p\) and every point in the next nearest other cluster is:
\[b(p) \quad=\quad \displaystyle\frac{5.09902+7.7071068+5+8.602325+9.219544}{5} \quad=\quad 6.998391\]
The makes the silhouette value for point \(p\)
\[\begin{array}{lcl} \text{silhouette}(p) &=& \displaystyle\frac{b(p)-a(p)}{\text{max}\Big\{a(p),b(p)\Big\}} \\ &=& \displaystyle\frac{6.998391-2.207107}{\text{max}\Big\{2.207107, 6.998391\Big\}} \\ &=& 0.6846265 \\ \end{array}\]
The silhouette values for all of the points are:
Notice how the silhouette values measure both separation (distance from next nearest cluster) and tightness (closeness to own cluster), where the measure is relative to the average distance to the nearest cluster.
Here is an example of how a silhouette value can be negative (the value is -0.05):
silhouette_example_dat <-
tibble( x = c(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 20, 19, 25, 24 ),
y = c(30, 29, 32, 30, 31, 28, 28, 29, 28, 28, 27, 26, 26, 24, 24, 23, 20, 19, 20, 32 ),
cluster = c( rep(1, 8), rep(2,12) )
plot( x = silhouette_example_dat$x,
y = silhouette_example_dat$y,
col = silhouette_example_dat$cluster
points( x = 14, y=28, col=2, pch=16, cex=1.5 )
cluster::silhouette( x = silhouette_example_dat$cluster,
dist = dist(silhouette_example_dat[,c("x","y")], method = "euclidean")
## sil_width
## -0.05251089
Here is my manual calculation of the silhouette values of all points in the PAM clustering done at the beginning of this post:
# store matrix of euclidean distances between all of the points:
distmat <- as.matrix( dist(thedata[,c("x","y")], method = "euclidean") )
# create a table in which to do the calculation (currently filled with blank values):
joe_silhouette_calc <- cbind( id = 1:nrow(distmat), # assign a unique ID to every point 'p'
cluster = run_pam$clustering, # cluster assigned to point p
a = rep( as.numeric(NA), nrow(distmat) ), # average distance within own cluster
b = rep( as.numeric(NA), nrow(distmat) ), # average dist to closest neighbour cluster
neighbour = rep( as.integer(NA), nrow(distmat) ), # cluster number of closest neighbour cluster
sil_width = rep( as.numeric(NA), nrow(distmat) ) # silhouette value
) %>%
for( p in 1:nrow(joe_silhouette_calc) ){ # for each point (row in the table)
# get the cluster number of this point:
cluster_of_p <- joe_silhouette_calc[p,"cluster"] %>% pull(cluster)
# pull out the row of the distance matrix corresponding to point p:
p_row_distmat <- distmat[p, which(joe_silhouette_calc$cluster==cluster_of_p) ]
# get [a]: mean within cluster distance from this point:
joe_silhouette_calc[p,"a"] <- sum( p_row_distmat ) / ( length(p_row_distmat)-1 )
# for all other clusters, get mean distance to point p:
store_b_per_other_cluster <- rep( NA, k-1 ) # create empty vector to store the distances in
# get a list of names of the other clusters (i.e. all clusters not containing p):
other_cluster_nums <-
joe_silhouette_calc %>% filter(cluster != cluster_of_p) %>% distinct(cluster) %>% pull(cluster)
# calculate the average distance to point p for every cluster and store this info in 'store_b_per_other_cluster':
for( c in other_cluster_nums ){
store_b_per_other_cluster[ which(other_cluster_nums==c) ] <-
mean( distmat[p, which(joe_silhouette_calc$cluster==c)] )
# record which cluster is closest to point p (has smallest average distance to p):
joe_silhouette_calc[p, "neighbour"] <- other_cluster_nums[ which.min(store_b_per_other_cluster) ]
# calculate b[p] for this point (average distance to closest neighbour cluster)
joe_silhouette_calc[p, "b"] <- store_b_per_other_cluster[ which.min(store_b_per_other_cluster) ]
joe_silhouette_calc <-
joe_silhouette_calc %>%
mutate( sil_width = case_when( a < b ~ 1 - a/b,
a > b ~ b/a - 1,
a == b ~ 0,
TRUE ~ as.numeric(NA)
Compare my silhouette calculation to those produced by the R function cluster::silhouette():
get_silhouette <-
cluster::silhouette( x = run_pam$clustering,
dist = dist(thedata[,c("x","y")], method = "euclidean")
joe_silhouette_calc %>%
select( id, sil_width ) %>%
rename( joe_silhouette_val = sil_width ) %>%
bind_cols( tibble( R_silhouette_val = get_silhouette[,3]) )
# R silhouette calc plot:
get_silhouette <- tibble( cluster = get_silhouette[,"cluster"],
neighbor = get_silhouette[,"neighbor"],
sil_width = get_silhouette[,"sil_width"]
) %>%
arrange( cluster, sil_width ) %>%
mutate( id = row_number() )
ggplot( data = get_silhouette,
aes( x = id,
y = sil_width,
fill = as.factor(cluster)
) +
geom_bar( stat="identity" ) +
theme( legend.position = "none" ) +
labs( title = "R package silhouette calc")
# my manual silhouette calc plot:
joe_silhouette_calc %>%
mutate( sil_width = case_when( a < b ~ 1 - a/b,
a > b ~ b/a - 1,
a == b ~ 0,
TRUE ~ as.numeric(NA)
) %>%
arrange( cluster, sil_width ) %>%
mutate( id = row_number() ) %>%
ggplot( data = . ,
aes( x = id,
y = sil_width,
fill = as.factor(cluster)
) +
geom_bar( stat="identity" ) +
theme( legend.position = "none" ) +
labs( title = "Joe silhouette calc")
As a tiny note, to be explored fully in a later post, I am very interested in the effect of binning continuous variables into ranked factors/categories and then applying clustering to these binned variables instead.
This makes the clustering focus on creating clusters that are easy to interpret (e.g. this cluster contains mostly customers who spent over $1,000), and could also be used to deal with outliers .
In the example below, the variables spend and frequency are first binned into convenient categories. The categories are then ranked, and these ranks are used as numeric variables in the clustering (these are called spend_rank and freq_rank in the example below). This makes the distance between points based on how many category bins they are away from another (e.g. spend_rank=3 is two spend categories away from spend_rank=1). Notice how the clustering based on the variables spend_rank and freq_rank, rather than spend and frequency, clusters points into clearly-defined square bins.
bindata <-
tibble( customer_id = 1:100 ) %>%
mutate( frequency_type = sample( c("low", "medium","high"), size=n(), replace=TRUE ),
avg_spend_type = sample( c("low", "medium","high"), size=n(), replace=TRUE )
) %>%
mutate( frequency = case_when( frequency_type == "low" ~ round( runif( n(), 1, 5 ) ),
frequency_type == "medium" ~ round( runif( n(), 1, 20 ) ),
frequency_type == "high" ~ round( runif( n(), 1, 100 ) ),
TRUE ~ -99
spend = case_when( avg_spend_type == "low" ~ round( runif( n(), 10, 5000 ) ),
avg_spend_type == "medium" ~ round( runif( n(), 10, 10000 ) ),
avg_spend_type == "high" ~ round( runif( n(), 10, 50000 ) ),
TRUE ~ -99
bindata$freq_bin <- cut( bindata$frequency, breaks = c(0,25,50,100), include.lowest = TRUE )
bindata$freq_rank <- as.numeric(bindata$freq_bin)
bindata$spend_bin <- cut( bindata$spend/10000, breaks = c(0,1,2,5), include.lowest = TRUE )
bindata$spend_rank <- as.numeric(bindata$spend_bin)
PAMS_on_raw_data <-
cluster::pam( x = bindata %>% select(frequency, spend) %>% scale(),
k = 6,
metric = "euclidean",
diss = FALSE,
stand = FALSE,
pamonce = 0
PAMS_on_ranked_bins <-
cluster::pam( x = bindata %>% select(freq_rank, spend_rank),
k = 6,
metric = "euclidean",
diss = FALSE,
stand = FALSE,
pamonce = 0
ggplot( data = bind_cols( bindata,
tibble( cluster = as.factor(PAMS_on_raw_data$clustering) )
aes( x = frequency, y = spend, colour=cluster, shape=cluster )
) +
geom_point() +
theme( legend.position="none" ) +
labs( title = "Clustering on Raw Data (normalized)")
ggplot( data = bind_cols( bindata,
tibble( cluster = as.factor(PAMS_on_ranked_bins$clustering) )
aes( x = frequency, y = spend, colour=cluster, shape=cluster )
) +
geom_point() +
theme( legend.position="none" ) +
labs( title = "Clustering on Rank Data")
For large datasets (more than a few thousand points), the k-medoids PAM algorithm is infeasible - it will simply take too long to run.
For this reason, there are a number of variants and extensions to the PAM algorithm designed to be used on larger datasets. One of these is CLARA, which is implemented as follows:
1 Find several candidate sets of medoids by doing PAM clustering repeatedly on multiple different random subsets of the data (of chosen size, as large as possible).
2 Choose the set of medoids out of all of the candidate sets identified that perform best on the entire (global) dataset (minimise the sum of distances of each point to it’s medoid).
3 Proceeding with the chosen set of medoids: Clusters are obtained by assigning points in the global dataset to their closest medoid.
the original PAM paper:
other resources that I used: